Features Hydro-Statics 101

When in equilibrium, liquid applies force to its container or any other material it comes in contact with. These fall into two types, hydrostatic load or outside force. The force applied by the liquid against a level wall is equivalent at every single point where it makes contact with the wall. Liquid in equilibrium will apply vertical pressure at

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Rome’s Ingenious Water Delivery Solutions

Aqua Anio Vetus, the first raised aqueduct assembled in Rome, started providing the men and women living in the hills with water in 273 BC, though they had counted on natural springs up till then. Throughout this time period, there were only 2 other techniques capable of supplying water to higher areas, subterranean wells and cisterns, which gather

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Installation and Maintenance of Outdoor Garden Fountains

A crucial first step before installing any outdoor wall feature is to think about the space you have available. It is essential that the wall where you are going to place it is strong enough to support its weight. Remember that smaller areas or walls will need to have a lightweight fountain. You will need to have an electrical plug in the vicinity

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Points of Interest of the Mediterranean

From viticulture and art to science and democracy, historians credit the establishment of modern civilization to the countries along the southern coast of Europe. The “Old World” is without a doubt a land rich in history. If you lay in the sun on the beaches of Spain and Italy, study the historical sights of Greece and

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